OK so I'm deciding to enter Blood and Water - unfortunately it's not finished yet but this is the first chapter...
Blood and Water, Chapter 1 - Only escape
She walked down the corridor to the door at the end. It was a cold iron with a kind of drained dead look that seemed to seep out of the walls. She pushed it open, still making no noise, and crossed the room to the boy in the corner. He was about 9, rocking backwards and forwards and humming what sounded like silent night, only more sinister. The room held a small bed, a chair and a table on which stood the boy's only clothes, grey, like everything else. She knelt down next to him and was not surprised when he didn't move. The stories that had leaked from its walls told outsiders that the people inside were abnormal. She coiled her fist behind her and made the air around his head vanish, she saw his eyes widen then a look of great relief crossed his face then the light behind his eyes vanish. She left counting the seconds...
1, she walked out through the iron door and to the corridor on her left...
8, nearly there, the window was still open...
10, sirens blared alerting the 'doctors' that a patient has stopped breathing. She jumped and ran to the black car, only to find someone else leaning against it.
"Damn." was all she had time to say.
You can read the rest as I write it at http://bloodandwaterll.blogspot.com/